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From a student to a teacher

South Korea | 2021 Samsung DreamClass

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Samsung Dream Class fosters teenagers’ dreams and helps them study. In 2021, Dream Class has been renewed with expanded learning opportunities for students ranging from basic curriculum learnings to career exploration and education for future competencies. The program also launched an online platform for students to continue learning wherever they are. Since its launch in 2012 and the cumulated know-how, Dream Class has come back this year as a comprehensive education platform that supports the youth to reach their dreams.

In 2021, 5,000 middle school students in grade 7 from across South Korea start their journey to their dreams. Students will move forward towards their goal, with the support of more than 500 undergraduate students as well as 100 Samsung Electronics employees and industry experts.

Among the mentors to help these students grow, there is a special person. Sunjae Um is a Samsung employee whose relationship with Dream Class goes way back to his middle school days. Find out what Sunjae has to say about Samsung Dream Class and his anticipation as an employee mentor.

How did you first come across Samsung Dream Class?

When I was in middle school, I studied without the help of a tutor although tutoring was very common among friends my age. I did not know how my peers studied. Around that time, a teacher from my school recommended me to sign up for Samsung Dream Class. The atmosphere where students from all over the country gathered and studied together caught my attention. I found it useful for someone like me who lacked external activities.

What is the most memorable moment from your Dream Class experience as a mentee?

The students had to take a test before and after participating in Dream Class. I remember myself completely shook when seeing my grades improved at the end of the camp. Until then, studying was a mundane process that I had to endure only to raise my grades. It was shocking, in the best way, that my grades went up by giving my best in the program and having fun studying.

After entering university, you came back as a student mentor. How was your experience as a mentor?

I recalled my middle school days with Dream Class. I knew that the experience the students make with me and other instructors would have a great impact on them. I wanted to make a positive influence on the students, guiding them to a good future.

Congratulations on joining Samsung Electronics this year! In 2021, Dream Class has rebooted with more to offer to students. What triggered you to participate this time as an employee mentor?

I heard that it is rare to find someone who is a Dream Class graduate who also participates in the program as a university student and a Samsung employee mentor. I applied for the employee mentor position with the hope to create more virtuous cycles like this. I wish students can gather invaluable experience during their time at Dream Class and give back to mentees in the future.

Any words to Dream Class students?

I have learned and received a lot from Dream Class, and it is time for me to give back. I will do my best to fulfill my duty as an employee mentor who has a positive impact on the students. I hope that all Dream Class students can find, grow, and achieve their dreams!


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