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Running Towards the Dream

South Korea | 2022 Samsung DreamClass

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Many young people struggle with their careers and dreams, often feeling pressured and even anxious. Samsung Dream Class is a CSR program focused on education for youth providing young students with mentorship from university students to give them hopes and dreams, while supporting their learning. The youth of today are the hope of tomorrow, and through this program, they are growing as leaders of the next generation.

Dah-Un Chung was recently selected as a star mentee in Dream Class and said that she was able to get even closer to her dream thanks to the program. Let’s meet Dah-Un, who is advancing toward her dream of becoming a game developer.

Q. What kind of activities did you do in the Dream Class’s coding club?

Through Dream Class, I was able to learn various coding languages and practice coding by developing games myself. Above all, I was able to study and communicate with other people who enjoy coding, making it easier to learn coding together.

Q. What did you learn through the Dream Class’s coding club?

In the coding club, I used Python for the first time while developing a game, but it was more difficult than I thought. However, I was able to adapt by studying through online courses and practicing on my own, until eventually I felt quite comfortable with Python. I think that I was able to learn Python more easily because of its concise syntax and structure, which is similar to the human language.

Q. What would you say to those struggling to find their dreams?

All I did was to do my best and focus on the things I love. I would like to suggest that you think carefully about what you enjoy and then decide on a career path afterwards. If you always keep the possibility of other career paths open as well, you may be able to draw the future you want.


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