Samsung Stepping Stone of Hope - A Hopeful Step Forward

A Hopeful Step Forward

South Korea | 2022 Samsung Stepping Stone of Hope

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Samsung Stepping Stone of Hope is a transitional housing program for young adults who have aged out of childcare facilities, to help them prepare for their growth and independence. Stepping Stone of Hope centers operating all over the country provide comprehensive support including housing, counseling, and preparation for the future.

Listen to the story of Sunghee, who is pursuing her dream at the Gwangju Center.

No more worries, welcome to home sweet home

Before she knew about Stepping Stone of Hope, Sunghee had many difficulties in her first life alone. "I was at a loss to think that I had to live alone. I didn't know anything about housing and there was no one to ask. The day to leave the facility was approaching and it was very hard to find a new house. Even after I found one, I couldn't get my deposit back from the rental house I was staying,” said Sunghee.

Although Sunghee knocked on the door of Stepping Stone of Hope center with worries, when she entered the center, she began to draw a new dream. "In my first house, the wallpaper and floorboards were messy because I was in a hurry to find any cheap house. Now that the living space is pleasant and clean, I feel much brighter," she added.

The Giving Tree

As Sunghee is a senior majoring in design at the university, she has worked hard to prepare for the graduation exhibition for a long time. When Sunghee was worried about the high cost of decorating the graduation exhibition booth, thanks to the support of Stepping Stone of Hope, she was able to prepare for the exhibition smoothly.

According to Sunghee, Stepping Stone of Hope is ‘The Giving tree’ for her. “I feel like I'm being protected because the teachers at the center care for me a lot, and I think I've found peace of mind. From now on, I want to be a person who delivers happiness by helping people who are going through hard times.”


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