
AI Avatar Project Tops in Hungary

After an exciting four months of online and offline workshops, a two-member team from Budapest, Hungary won the grand prize of the local Solve for Tomorrow challenge. Samsung Electronics Hungary, in collaboration with EdisonKids, provided a platform for young innovators to present ideas that shape the future. This year's winners were inspired by the theme of future education and envisioned creating a personal virtual mentor for students to revolutionize digital learning.

Creative and Socially Sensitive Solutions to Current and Future Challenges

The Solve for Tomorrow challenge in 2024 attracted a variety of innovative approaches in the categories of sustainability, future education, and community. Revolutionary ideas competed for the grand prize in the finals. Beyond the top three winners, notable projects included solutions for aiding the visually impaired, promoting reading among youth, creating an integrable, paperless billing system, developing a community-building app and implementing sustainable polystyrene recycling in the fashion industry. Finalists presented their ideas on May 31 at the Budapest Music Center. A panel of experts, led by medical futurist Dr. Bertalan Meskó, evaluated the presentations on feasibility, creativity, critical thinking, presentation skills, and team spirit. The judges faced a tough decision, as the participants' dedication and inspiring presentations left a strong impression.

Photos of the 3rd place team

Third Place Goes to My Hormone – Extra-Curricular Education About Hormonal Changes

The “My Hormone” team from Eötvös József Secondary School in Budapest won third place for creating educational materials on the menstrual cycle and endocrine system with the message, “Health is not a taboo; let’s learn together!” Zóra Cserni and Petra Hargitai highlighted the need for better health education in schools, especially on conditions like PCOS. Dr. Meskó praised their initiative and encouraged them to develop their content further. The students have already gained support from professional organizations and plan to continue their work in this area.

Photos of the 2nd place team

LendAHand on the Second Place – Housing for the Youth, Daily Assistance for the Elderly

The "LendAHand" team from Fazekas Mihály Practicing Elementary and High School in Budapest won second place. Ádám Farkas and Patrik Horváth proposed a solution to help the elderly and address student housing issues. Ádám, who moved to his grandparents’ home in Budapest to attend high school, noticed many peers struggling with housing costs and dorm conditions. Their project offers an app and social site connecting students needing housing with elderly individuals offering affordable rooms in exchange for minor assistance. The idea, supported by a survey showing 87% student interest, impressed judges and gained a partner in the "From Huts to Home!" association.

Photos of the 1st place team

First Place Goes to the Team Polyp – Artificial Intelligence to Create Avatar Teachers

The "Polyp" team, comprising Dániel Bacsur and Ádám Vajda, clinched the top spot. They developed a virtual mentor using AI to personalize education for students, addressing the lack of personal connections in online learning. Their platform, aiming to provide each student with a dedicated virtual mentor, reflects their deep sensitivity to educational issues and innovation. Dániel and Ádám have invested around 700 work hours into this project. Judges, including startup investor Petya Balogh, praised their innovative approach, and they successfully handled challenging questions during the final presentation.

Road to the Finals

On their way to the Solve for Tomorrow finals, participants gained valuable experiences and specialized knowledge. The top 50 teams advanced to the second stage, and the final 8 teams participated in communication and presentation training with the Momentán Theater Company. They also benefited from professional videos on idea development and received guidance from two mentors each, who provided feedback and support in preparing for the finals.

Group photo of participants

When Everyone Wins

In addition to the jury, the organizers were deeply moved and inspired by the participants and their pioneering, socially conscious projects presented at the finals in late May. Zsófia Samu, Brand Communication Part Leader at Samsung Electronics Hungary, quoted the company’s Olympic motto, "Open always wins," emphasizing that the finalists had already triumphed through their openness and resilience during the project weeks, likening their journey to a marathon. Dorottya Borsos, leader of Edisonplatform, highlighted the dedication of the Solve for Tomorrow student teams, which serves as a powerful example against criticisms of the younger generation. This year's focus on social and community issues highlights a significant and positive message about today's youth. The community-building aspect of the initiative was evident as several past winners returned to witness this year's finals, fostering a supportive atmosphere. Participants greeted each other not as rivals but as friends, encouraging and celebrating each other’s efforts. The top three winners will enhance their personal and educational equipment with Samsung devices worth a total of 6 million HUF. Beyond the podium, numerous other students and teachers benefited from the competition, gaining modern knowledge, lifelong experiences, and an inspiring collaborative environment for thinking about future solutions.

  • #SolveForTomorrow
  • #TogetherForTomorrow
  • #EnablingPeople

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