
Solve for Tomorrow Austria's Prototyping Day

On April 26th, Samsung Austria had the pleasure of welcoming Florian Frauscher, Head of Section of Economic Affairs, Innovation and Internationalisation at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy and Ambassador Ham Sang Wook from Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Austria.

Three school classes were able to try their hand at coding, design thinking and prototyping in various workshops, thereby acquiring important 21st century skills that will support them in their future careers.

Head of Section Frauscher had the opportunity to talk to the young people about their professional development and also met with the President of Samsung Austria and Switzerland, Trevor Lee. We wish all the students continued success for the final phase of the project, where the winning classes of this year's programme will be selected.

Photo of Head of Section Florian Frauscher and President of Samsung Austria and Switzerland Trevor Lee

left to right: Head of Section Florian Frauscher, President of Samsung Austria and Switzerland Trevor Lee

Group Photo with Students

Group Photo with Students

Group Photo with executives

(left to right: Adib Reyhani (CEO The Things We Learn), Christiane Murer (Corporate & Public Affairs Manager Samsung Austria), Ham Sang Wook (Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Austria), Florian Frauscher (Head of Section at the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs, Trevor Lee (President Samsung Austria and Switzerland), Marvin Peters (Director Mobile Samsung Austria) & Réka Bálint (Head of Brand Communication Samsung Austria and Switzerland)

  • #SolveForTomorrow

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