
[Journey to a Better Future] Unlock Your Potential to Create a Better Future in Russia

Samsung Electronics’ corporate citizenship programs aim to inspire and educate younger generations, guiding students around the world towards achieving their dreams. Behind the scenes of these programs are Samsung employees across the world devoting their time, energy, and effort to creating a better tomorrow.

The #JourneyToABetterFuture series presents the voices of Samsung employees in charge of youth education programs worldwide. Alongside the employees’ stories in helping young people to become the next generation of leaders, the series shares the stories of students from Samsung’s corporate citizenship programs about how they are achieving their dreams.

“It’s rewarding to help Gen Z, today’s digital natives, unlock their potential and create a better future.”

Sergey Pevnev, Corporate Citizenship Manager at Samsung Electronics Russia, has worked for Samsung for the past 25 years. He has been focused on corporate citizenship programs that help Russian youth achieve their full potential.


Samsung Innovation Campus in Russia is one of them. The program offers AI and IoT programming education to high school and university students in over 50 cities. From basic programming skills to developing mobile apps, students implement what they've learned into hands-on practice.

Sergey stresses that youth education is important for realizing the potential of the future generation. “Gen Z has never known a world without the Internet, and technology is part of their life. They have tremendous potential to leverage technology to create innovations.”

Seeing students bring their ideas into life is what Sergey finds particularly rewarding when running a program that nurtures the next generation of IT professionals and innovators. “It's my pleasure to see their ideas turn into big projects and have a positive and meaningful impact on society,” he says. “Above all, when I see young people building their future through Samsung's program, I feel proud of what I do.”


Sergey encourages the youth to keep on challenging themselves. “Every journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” He continued, “Don't wait because your time is ‘now’. In a fast-changing world, it’s very important for you to focus on learning new skills. Samsung Electronics is ready to join you on that journey.”

Find out more about Sergey and his story in the video below.

Journey to a Better Future - Russia | Samsung

  • #SamsungInnovationCampus

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