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From the DMZ to the World

South Korea Samsung Smart School

Point on 'South Korea' in world map

Teaching at Kunnae Elementary School, near the North Korean border

I'm Kim Jung-min and I’m a teacher at Kunnae Elementary School. Our school is located in the buffer zone within what is called the Civilian Control Line. This marks the buffer zone that restricts the entrance into the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). The area is not as scary as people think, but it is quiet and isolated from other communities. It is not easy to work here but I have great pride in my work and feel a sense of calling as a teacher. There are only six classes with five students per class, but all the students are very enthusiastic. I’m doing to my best to make education fun and interesting, and recently, I have been trying to teach them to use various programs and software, incorporating technology into everyday classroom learning.

Beyond the school, a new way of learning

I vividly remember how happy my students were when they entered the new Smart School classrooms after returning from their summer breaks. In the newly upgraded and modernized classrooms with high-speed Internet, big electronic blackboards and new laptops, the students could search for information quickly and share with their classmates what they found through presentations on different topics. The kids also shared their own creative endeavors on their apps and software with each other. Unlike before, when they did not have access to latest smart devices and technology, they can now experience a new way of learning. They are getting a glimpse into new worlds that they had not experienced before.

Currently, we have a trip planned to Samsung Innovation Museum in Suwon during winter vacation to expand their digital experience and give them a chance to explore new cultures outside the isolated buffer zone. They are already excited. They also had opportunities to interact with Samsung mentors as part of Smart School program, and now their dreams have become more diverse and interesting. The only profession they were aware of before was a soldier working at DMZ, but now they want to be IT experts and online content creators.

A steppingstone towards peace

As the students are accessing more information and experiences through Smart School, they are learning more about the world outside of their neighborhood. They are even starting to talk about North Korea and how they can serve as a 'steppingstone towards peace' if the country reunifies with North Korea.

"I want to use my Smart School experience to help other people who also want to play a part in achieving peace," said one of the students.

I think it’s great that they are thinking beyond their communities.

The world at the fingertip, even from the DMZ

The students are now comfortable using laptops and tablets during class and they frequently share their new discoveries with friends through their class discussions and presentations. Very rapidly, they are absorbing new information and learning new things, and are also dreaming of peace with the northern neighbor and being able to learn together with new friends across the border.


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