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Technology Brings Harmony

South Korea Samsung Smart School

Point on 'South Korea' in world map

Digitalization, a possibility for everyone

We are Seosan Seongbong School, a place of learning for special needs students. Before each class, the kids take out their tablets, each listening to music they enjoy. They also look at the digital music sheets on the E-board. When they are playing the instruments together, they use their smart devices to get in sync and use video recordings to work on their rhythm and harmonies.

Understanding each other through technology

The most important thing during their rehearsals is monitoring each other to make sure they are playing in sync. The students here use smart devices to evaluate each other’s performance and together they learn the joy of music.

Finding confidence through Smart School

We have a student with severe autism in our school. There was a lot of difficulty in teaching him because of the unpredictable behaviors, including waving of hands or putting various objects in his mouth. But we were all surprised to see him concentrate when he is watching music contents on his tablet. I am now confident that we can unlock the students’ true potential using the technology of digital devices. We have witnessed our students growing in self-confidence through participating in the Seosan Music Competition and also performing as part of the Samulnori (Korean traditional percussion quartet) team in a regional arts festival for special needs students.

From learning to sharing

Currently, we are developing a Samulnori mobile app with Samsung mentors. We want to use the app to help the students continue their learning at home. We also plan to film Samulnori performances for educational VR contents and try to inspire other students.

A bigger world of possibilities through technology

Later, we plan to leave records of all the experiences the students had here. We also want to create a manual to help student participate in art performances. We also want to expand our projects to reach other special needs school and spread the joy of music.


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