Samsung Solve for Tomorrow

Competing to make the world a better place

Samsung Solve for Tomorrow encourages young minds to envision and realize innovative solutions that can resolve challenges and risks that their communities face.

Group photo of Solve for Tomorrow program winner

Samsung Solve for Tomorrow is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) based contest created to foster problem solving skills while promoting the positive impact young minds can have on our society. The contest inspires our participants to tackle the emerging challenges and produce tangible innovations to help improve our society. During its journey, we aim to equip students with skills that go far beyond technical, including critical thinking, creative thinking, communicating, and collaborating skills, required for the future workforce.

Samsung Solve for Tomorrow contest is comprised of 3 levels of problem solving: reframe, ideate, and realize. Contestants who make it to the finals will be offered an opportunity to pitch their ideas to win Samsung's technology in classrooms.

Since its inception in the U.S. in 2010, Solve for Tomorrow has expanded its operation in 33 countries worldwide including Korea. Samsung employees volunteer to advise on projects and offer their expertise in each country, walking the journey together with the contestants.

Digital locker system for the homeless’ reintegration into society

A seed of idea for a better society

Alec from the United Kingdom spent the holidays traveling Europe with his friends, where they often encountered people without housing.
The thought of the inconvenience that these men and women out on the streets would have to experience left Alec unsettled. It triggered him to come up with an idea to bring about positive change for these individuals.

Taking the idea on to the next level

Alec thought that providing a place to store belongings could give people without housing more independence. He decided to take action and commenced ‘Project Dignity’, an initiative to provide the homeless with street lockers. Experts from various fields supported Alec as mentors and gave practical advice for the realization of the project. With their help, Alec developed lockers that are linked to an app where users can check local job and housing posts and food plan information.

Enthusiastic support from the community

Alec’s Project Dignity won the grand prize at Solve for Tomorrow in the United Kingdom, and various experts and investors took note of his idea. In developing a functioning prototype of the digital lockers, Alec now works closely with the UK authority on advanced digital technology, Digital Catapult as well as Samsung. Excited to take Project Dignity on to the next level, Alec now waits for the first set of lockers to be installed in London.

It all starts with a critical mind

The majority of fires in California are caused by dry hills surrounding suburban areas and slow relay of information to the fire department. Students at Dougherty Valley High School set out to find a way to potentially prevent wildfires. After connecting with the fire department, they discovered that current devices for detecting the weather information are extremely expensive yet unreliable.

Together, we can find a solution

As the students explored ways to enhance the efficiency of the battery and network, teachers at Dougherty Valley High School supported them in all aspects including safety measurements during the experiments. As a result, the students created a low-cost sensor that can detect wind speed, humidity, and temperature. The sensor could indicate a possible risk of fire in a particular area and relay the information to the local fire department early.

Protecting our community

By preventing these fires, students would be able to help California save billions of dollars lost in infrastructure. Moreover, they would be able to save many lives, including animals and plants. “We are especially proud of ourselves that we'd be able to drastically reduce the carbon emissions that occur after tragic wildfires.”