
Solve for Tomorrow Poland Students Developed a Roommate-Finding App

Solve for Tomorrow continues to gain popularity in Poland each year. The program aims to develop skills such as creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and empathy, empowering the youth. Participants address real life challenges with a focus on local initiatives. This time, teams from secondary schools explored innovative solutions in health, safety, climate, and integration.

After months of refining projects, engaging with mentors, applying design thinking methodologies, and preparing for Demo Day, it was time to announce the winners of the third edition of Solve for Tomorrow. Twelve teams advanced to the finals. In the last few weeks, they participated in inspiring workshops with experts at the Copernicus Science Center, developed their ideas with support from Samsung volunteers, and polished their public speaking skills.

Photo of the 1st place team

At the Demo Day, all teams showcased their innovative solutions to the jury. Following thorough deliberations, the jury awarded first place to the team from Technical Secondary School No. 2 - Service School Complex in Ostrów Wielkopolski. Their project, "Akademic," is a platform and app designed to effectively match individuals searching for apartments or roommates.

“Solve for Tomorrow was an extraordinary journey that will resonate with us for a long time. The program expanded our knowledge across various fields, taught us the importance of teamwork, and helped us realize our potential. Reaching the finals was thrilling because we truly believed in our project. This achievement has greatly motivated us to continue our work and further develop the 'Akademic' application,” remarked the students from the winning team.

Photo of the 2nd place team

The team from TEB Edukacja Technical Secondary School in Tychy won second place with their app "Not only in four walls," which lets users anonymously report violence and security threats. Third place went to the Special Educational Center No. 2 in Gdynia for their "Colors of Diversity" platform and campaign, designed to help integrate neurodivergent individuals into society.

Several schools received honors, including Technical Secondary School No. 8 named after Defenders of the Polish Post in Gdańsk, in Katowice; Secondary School of Prof. Marian Zembali in Krzepice; 3rd Secondary School in Piotrków Trybunalski; Secondary School named after Tadeusz Kościuszko in Pruszków; DobraTu Secondary School Tosia Kozłowska in Warsaw; 6th Secondary School named after JJ Śniadeckich in Bydgoszcz; Secondary School named after Janka from Czarnków, in Czarnków; the 17th Secondary School in Gdynia; and the Complex of Technical and General Education Schools Stefan Banach in Jarosław.

The jury presented the "Positive Impact Award" again this year, honoring a project notable for its empathy and sensitivity. The award went to the Complex of Technical and General Education Schools Stefan Banach in Jarosław for "Incloosa," a navigation app for individuals with physical disabilities. This app offers personalized routes and details about the accessibility of public spaces.

Local communities also supported the teams. Online voting for the finalists started a week before Demo Day. The team from the 17th Secondary School in Gdynia received the most votes, winning the "Audience Award." Their project, "ParaGone," aims to reduce the environmental impact by replacing printed receipts in stores.

Solve for Tomorrow Poland is supported by the Minister of Education, the Minister of Digitization, NASK, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, the Copernicus Science Center, UNEP/GRID-Warsaw, and the Digital Dialog Association as a program partner.

Group photo of participants


• Samsung Electronics Newsroom (Poland), Ci uczniowie stworzyli aplikację, która ułatwi znalezienie współlokatora. Znamy zwycięzców III edycji Solve for Tomorrow

  • #SolveForTomorrow
  • #TogetherForTomorrow
  • #EnablingPeople

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