
Samsung Electronics Türkiye participates in the Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Seminar held by the Korean Consulate

Participants of Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Seminar

Samsung Electronics Türkiye shared its programs and activities at the Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Seminar hosted by Republic of Korea Istanbul Consultant General Sung Kyu Woo on Thursday, June 30. Representatives of UNDP Türkiye, DEIK (Foreign Economic Relations Board) and Turkish CSR Association participated in the consulate event, which was attended by Samsung Electronics Türkiye President Philip Choi and other senior executives.

At the seminar, Samsung Electronics Türkiye Corporate Citizenship Manager Aslı Aşkın shared Samsung’s CSR and sustainability studies. In her presentation titled "Journey to a Sustainable Future", she shared the local initiatives and the focus areas of Samsung's global sustainability and CSR vision.

In Türkiye, Samsung carries out studies in 5 focus areas as below with 360-degree sustainability approach and 'Everyday Sustainability' motto.

1. Environment: In line with Samsung’s global actions to reduce the carbon footprint and combat the climate crisis, Samsung Electronics Türkiye is promoting eco-conscious products to raise awareness of the Galaxy for Planet global movement in Türkiye.

Samsung Electronics Türkiye supports Samsung Global Goals App and the Generation 17 initiatives with UNDP Türkiye. With Oğuz Ergen, the young Turkish Activist leader who is involved in the Generation 17 initiative, everyone is invited to take action to contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.

In addition, this year, TV boxes were brought to life again within the scope of the 'Eco Package' project, which was renewed and allowed to transform TV packages into versatile household items.

2. Digital Responsibility: Samsung Türkiye applies the General Data Protection Regulations of the EU, which is a pioneer practice in Türkiye. Also, it has been conducting awareness campaigns in the field of Digital Wellbeing since 2018 and carrying out various awareness activities, starting with Cyberbullying and continuing with the Better Internet Movement.

3. Labour and Human Rights: Believing that innovation and growth are driven by an inclusive culture and a diverse workforce, Samsung Electronics Türkiye empowers women to enter the sector with better-equipped skills and gain expertise with the "Women Technician Training Program", which supports women's employment in the mobile communication sector. In addition, Samsung Türkiye has provided sign language services for hearing impaired customers since 2015, which was the first in the sector.

4. Sustainable Supply Chain: Since 2018, Samsung Türkiye evaluate the suppliers' environmental and social standards with an internationally approved audit company. Thus, it plays an important role in establishing a responsible supply chain in the industry.

5. Corporate Citizenship: In line with the global vision of Corporate Citizenship, 'Together for Tomorrow', Samsung Electronics Türkiye has implemented Samsung Innovation Campus to enable the future generation to gain knowledge and experience about the leading technologies of the industrial revolution. In 2020, the program was launched in partnership with UNDP Türkiye, the Turkish Informatics Foundation and Türkiye's leading universities. Guided by Samsung’s global training content with well-known academicians, Samsung Innovation Campus participants developed projects that serve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 5-month program also included developing the young talents’ soft skills such as job preparation and communication skills through mentoring from Samsung and UNDP employees.

In addition, Solve for Tomorrow, launched in 2021, enable high school students to develop projects that will find solutions to the most pressing problems of society by using Design Thinking approach and STEM knowledge. Through the partnership with Habitat Association, the students, teachers and volunteers are given chance to nurture their skills and competencies with Design-Oriented Thinking Workshops.

After the presentation at the seminar, the participants showed interest in Samsung’s programs and local initiatives and appreciated Samsung Türkiye’s contributions to the society and the environment.

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